For many years we have held our annual safe Trail-of-Treats here at Rolling Fields. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will have to make some changes this year. Unfortunately we are unable hold a traditional trick or treat where we would set up a wonderful Halloween experience for all to enjoy while our Elders could enjoy passing out candy to all of the community and surrounding communities children dressed up in their costumes.
This year, we are holding a Halloween Drive Around Parade! Bring Halloween to our Elders so that they may enjoy seeing you all through their windows! We want to see how creative you all can be by decorating your vehicles and yourselves and driving around while waving at our Elders and enjoying the “Pumpkin Light Up” made by our Staff and Elders along with the decorations outside. For safety, we ask everyone to stay in their vehicles, so be sure to decorate and be creative!
When: Friday October 30th. Lineup will begin at 6:30pm at the top of the main driveway, the line will promptly begin to go around at 7:00pm (unless the line begins to fill into the road, we will begin earlier). We will keep the parade going until 8:00pm!
If you would like, call ahead to (814) 587-2012 to let us know you are coming. Please call and leave your name and information with the front desk.